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The carpet of love ( Italy Veneziano & Taiwan )[Unknown]

Posted: 26-08-2012 16:34
by Lokitama
Character : Italy Veneziano ( Feliciano Vargas )
Apparent age : 20 years old physically ( Mentally... I don't know 8) )

Appearance :


It was a beautiful day the it day it happened. Italy was happily walking around, after all, today wasn't a day like any others ! Oh no, today was the day ! His fratello had finally made his pizza ! And it was sooo good. Unfortunately, while he was walking around, it happened that Veneziano smelled a delicious smell. And his stomach rumbled. He was hungry again...

He was about to run back to his house - if it was for pasta, he was even faster than running away from England ! - when some humans talked to him.

"Hi there ! I'm feelin' alone without my bro' at home, whaddya think 'bout eatin' pasta with me ?"

Uwaaah ! He was so lucky !

"Ve ~ ! Of course !"

"Come in, come in !"

"Thanks a lot, mister ! Ve ~ Uwah ! It's Maltagliati !"

He didn't see the man put some strange liquid into his pasta, and, still happy that he can eat, Italy gobbed all his plate in no time ! Before feeling dizzy. He looked up at the clock on the wall, it wasn't siesta time, yet... So...why was he feeling so... sleepy ?

Veneziano's body crashed against the floor, drugged.

Another man came in the room, and laughed along with his accomplice. "We've did it, now we can see how a nation's body work."

They tied up Italy, put an oxygen mask on his mouth, putted him in a cotton bag and stuffed the said bag, then dissimulating the forms of Italy.

They rolled their package into a good-looking Asian carpet, and put Italy into the trunk

Unfortunately for the kidnappers, they were brutally killed... in a car crash, while they were on the highway. With the crash violence, the car trunk opened and their package was sent flying away.

A loud crack was heard when the carpet hit a rock, before immobilizing itself.

And two day passed - Italy didn't take well drugs, he wasn't up yet.

He had a headache, he couldn't move his body, there was a strange thing onto his mouth and nose, he didn't liked that feeling, his right leg hurt like hell, and he was all alone. He tried to free his arms, moving the carpet.

Nothing. He began to struggle, crying and yelling - it sounded like a muffled sound outside his carpet.

- HELP MEEEEE ! HEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP ! Pastaaaaaa ! Pastaaaaaa ! My leg hurts ! HELP MEEEE !

Posted: 26-08-2012 16:51
by Weronikus
Character: Meimei (Taiwan)
Age: 19


Taiwan was just returning from the grocery store to make dinner when on her way she encountered a strange sight. Something was screaming "HELP MEEEEE ! HEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP ! Pastaaaaaa ! Pastaaaaaa ! My leg hurts ! HELP MEEEE !" in what looked like one of China's favorite carpets. Not thinking much, she ran over, put her shopping next to the moving mass, and touching it gently but steadily to make it stop moving, asked:
"Is... is somebody in there?" She asked quietly, but loud enough for anything inside to hear her.

Posted: 26-08-2012 17:02
by Lokitama
When he heard someone speaking - he didn't now who, but hey, there was someone out of here !

"YES ! HELP MEEEEEE ! HELP MEEE ! PASTAAAA !" he cried. Italy coughed when he breathed too much in. He tried to struggle again, but the one who where outside the carpet was strong !

Posted: 26-08-2012 17:10
by Weronikus
"Yes! Okay!" Taiwan said. She heard a cough and got worried what the thing inside might be feeling. She quickly untied the carpet.
"Now hold on, you might feel a bit dizzy." she said, as she unrolled the carpet. When she did that, she noticed a white sack inside, which she ripped open with one of a new knife for cutting vegetables she had bought with the groceries. When she did it, she noticed the thing which was inside was actually ... somebody. It was definitely a he, but she couldn't see more since his head was turned to the ground. Very gently, she turned him over and studied his face.

Posted: 26-08-2012 17:28
by Lokitama
When he was turned around, he looked his savior.

It was a girl. And she was gorgeous. He mildly wondered how a such frail-looking girl was so strong ! He tried to move again, with more ease, but then again, a sharp pain hit his right leg, and he felt tears coming up again, and he still couldn't move his arms and hands, and his legs, too.

"My leg hurts" he cried again

Posted: 26-08-2012 17:44
by Weronikus
"Yes, I can see. Try to stop moving." Taiwan said gently, untying his hands and legs, and noticing his leg was completely swollen. She softly touched his his leg between the ankle and the knee. "Does it hurt when I touch it here?" she asked, looking at his face. She noitced he was quite handsome, but kept that fact to herself.

Posted: 26-08-2012 18:12
by Lokitama
Strangely, he did stop moving. At least tried, like the woman said. Because when she touched his leg - even if it was soft, her hand was soft too, but he didn't see it right now - he yelled, this part of his leg was hurting so much.

Even if he supposed that the Bella had her response trough his yell, he still nodded frantically.

"W-Why does it hurt so much ?"

Posted: 26-08-2012 18:18
by Weronikus
"I'm no doctor, but I think it's broken." She said sadly. "I'll immobilize it for now, and then I'll fix it up for you, okay?" And so saying, she found a long stick which she used as an immobilizer, while she wrapped his leg with the white sack. She tried to do it as gently as possible, but by the whimpers of pain coming from his mouth she knew it must have hurt.
When she was done, she picked up her shopping and hung it on her arm, so that she could help the man up.
"Here, hold on to my hands, and we'll take you to my place, okay?" She said gently, holding out her hands.

Posted: 26-08-2012 18:39
by Lokitama
He nodded and grabbed one of her hands hand used the other to push himself up - maybe she was strong, but he was still heavy, or so he thinks, he didn't really know...

While he was half-up, he overbalanced, and quickly grabbed the girl's other hand. Fortunately, after that, he managed to stand up on his only good leg.

"Grazie... Oh ! I don't know your name ! Who are you ?" As if everything was okay again - which was the case, minus his leg and his head which still hurt - he smiled with a 9000 watt smile.

Posted: 26-08-2012 19:02
by Weronikus
Taiwan nearly toppled over as the man used her hands to get up, but she stayed steady. And then, he smiled...
And Taiwan could swear that smile was way too bright, way too happy, way too...
adorable! She thought to herself. She felt like if she was meltng under the sheer warmth of the smile. In fact, she was so overwhelmed by it, when he asked for her name, she momentarily forgot it.
"My name...? Uh... Taiwan! Taiwan's my name!" She said quickly, to cover up her pause. She smiled to the man as well as she grabbed his waist to ease his way to her house.
"Put your arm on my shoulder, it will be easier for you." She said to him.