I loved you ever since the 900's... [Prussia x Italy]

The 18 Boy / Boy section where you can add your guy on guy related love. 18 Boy / Boy includes sexual themes with a homosexual couple. Finished roleplays shall be moved to "Finished Roleplays"
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Post by yuria-chan » 23-06-2011 00:31

Germany let out a defeated noise in the door opening. "I don't like video games brother..."
Prussia did his best to look completely innocent. "Ohhh, that's such a pity! Can I still play with Italy? You can just read a book right..."
Germany wanted to shout something about that Prussia had to stop playing dumb but he swallowed it.
As he painfully thought about the romantic movie with wurst and beer he had prepared for him and Italy he just frowned and gave in. "Fine"
He mumbled and walked away to his room.
Rp chara's:
England, Lithuania, N.Italy, Canada, Prussia, Germany, Spain, France, S.Italy, Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Greece, Japan, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Latvia, Sealand, Austria, Switzerland...
What? you asked me to put them in my signature... I can't help I play close to everyone XD
OC: Frysia, Carthago, Etruria

Posts: 949
Joined: 10-03-2011 19:53

Post by talkenia » 23-06-2011 14:50

Germany was standing in the door opening looking rather sad. Italy had no idea of what Germany had planned, and really looked forward to playing games with Prussia. Italy finished the last of his plate lasagna exactly when Germany walked away.
b-but now Doitsu is all alone.. You sure we shouldn't do something else?
yes.. cookies are free for everyone now..
(i think they're overdue anyway..)

Main Roleplay character: Italy
minor: chibitalia~

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The New Admin
Posts: 2184
Joined: 19-05-2011 21:41

Post by yuria-chan » 25-06-2011 02:26

Prussia hummed. Italy would never conscent with anything that would hurt Germany... He was so kind! but. it was that kindness that was now getting in Prussia's way.
"Uhm... Germany has a headache anyways! He didn't want to bother you with it... but he told me~! That's why he asked me to stay downstairs so it would be a bit quieter. I don't think he minds if we spend some time and he can rest."
Prussia smirked but was already confessing to god and begging for forgiveness of this lie inside his head.
Lying to Italy was horrible but he really wanted to spen time with him and West had had enough time with Italy today!
Rp chara's:
England, Lithuania, N.Italy, Canada, Prussia, Germany, Spain, France, S.Italy, Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Greece, Japan, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Latvia, Sealand, Austria, Switzerland...
What? you asked me to put them in my signature... I can't help I play close to everyone XD
OC: Frysia, Carthago, Etruria

Posts: 949
Joined: 10-03-2011 19:53

Post by talkenia » 25-06-2011 15:08

"Uhm... Germany has a headache anyways! He didn't want to bother you with it... but he told me~! That's why he asked me to stay downstairs so it would be a bit quieter. I don't think he minds if we spend some time and he can rest."
Italy looked at Prussia R-really?... He looked fine to me? Are you really sure we shouldn't help him? Italy tought, if doitsu had said it to Prussia, it must have been like that? But.. if he said it to you.. then i think it is like that?
veh~ shall we then go and play some games?
yes.. cookies are free for everyone now..
(i think they're overdue anyway..)

Main Roleplay character: Italy
minor: chibitalia~

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The New Admin
Posts: 2184
Joined: 19-05-2011 21:41

Post by yuria-chan » 29-06-2011 00:50

Prussia scratched the back of his head, a habit he had developed that alway betrayed he was lying. His brother comepletely saw trough it already.
"Yup, he really didn't want you to worry."
He already walked towards his room. He felt a bit guilty but he and West were fighting anyways after tonight, might as well make it worth it.
He immediately ran for his console pulling out games that he thought Italy might like, he had completely forgotten about the abandoned Diary that was still open on his bed. It dated way back...maybe even from the 900's
Rp chara's:
England, Lithuania, N.Italy, Canada, Prussia, Germany, Spain, France, S.Italy, Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Greece, Japan, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Latvia, Sealand, Austria, Switzerland...
What? you asked me to put them in my signature... I can't help I play close to everyone XD
OC: Frysia, Carthago, Etruria

Posts: 949
Joined: 10-03-2011 19:53

Post by talkenia » 11-07-2011 21:03

Italy ran after Prussia, he was getting really exited. He sat on his knees beside the console and the pile of games Prussia pulled out. Italy frantically started browsing trough the pile. You have so many games! I-I really cant choose! Italy held three games up. v-veh~ these seem nice~
He then put the games down and looked around the room he was in. Even tough it was a basement it wasn't scary at all. It could even be called cosy. There was a big Prussian flag covering almost a whole wall, in the middle of the room was a big bed, and the desk in his room was covered with blue books which all looked alike.
Talking about those books, there was one open on the bed. Italy walked over and picked it up. V-veh Prussia-san, what is this?
yes.. cookies are free for everyone now..
(i think they're overdue anyway..)

Main Roleplay character: Italy
minor: chibitalia~

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The New Admin
Posts: 2184
Joined: 19-05-2011 21:41

Post by yuria-chan » 12-07-2011 15:47

(( Yaaay Ita-chan, you're back~! You've been missed!))

With a smug smirk plastered on his face Prussia took the mario game Italy had chosen. He hummed a song to which the lyrics 'Italy is in my room and he ain't suspecting anything. Cheers for my awesome talent at romantic endeavours' would've fit.
Of course humming goes without words so the only thing that could be heard was a cheerfull song.
As Italy asked him, he turned around.
"What is what?"
The moment he saw what the Italian was holding he paniced. Well not visible but in his head there might as well have been a godzilla like creature on the lose.
What answer would keep the Italian from reading it?
Saying it was his...diary, would definitely make Ita read it, an then he would discover. That.
Saying it was an interesting book would also make the boy read it...With the same effect.
Saying it was a lame book wouldn't make any sense for it was clear that he had been reading it earlier. And someone as awesome as he didn't read lame books. On top of that calling his own life lame would hurt a bit.
Seeing no other options Prussia settled for the following:
"That, Italy, is a book."
Rp chara's:
England, Lithuania, N.Italy, Canada, Prussia, Germany, Spain, France, S.Italy, Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Greece, Japan, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Latvia, Sealand, Austria, Switzerland...
What? you asked me to put them in my signature... I can't help I play close to everyone XD
OC: Frysia, Carthago, Etruria

Posts: 949
Joined: 10-03-2011 19:53

Post by talkenia » 14-07-2011 23:03

Italy saw confusement run over Prussia's face "T-that..." There was a silence "That, Italy, is a book."Italy giggled, "I see that Prussia-san~ But there are so many of these books around~ what are they for?" Italy was still smiling, thinking Prussia made actually a quite funny joke. He sat down on the bed and started to flip trough it without reading anything. He bounced up and down a few times on the bed yay~ its so jumpy~ Italy has no attention span.. at all..
yes.. cookies are free for everyone now..
(i think they're overdue anyway..)

Main Roleplay character: Italy
minor: chibitalia~

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The New Admin
Posts: 2184
Joined: 19-05-2011 21:41

Post by yuria-chan » 15-07-2011 01:54

Prussia gasped a little when Italy leafed trough that book. However he didn't seem to read it. Did he recognise the handwrithing as Prussias own? He wasn't sure about it...
"Ahaha, yes it's nice and bouncy right! You can jump on it if West doesn't notice..."
The bed was a welcome distraction but as long as the book was in Italies hands there was a threat. Prussia involuntary thought of other things that would be nice on a 'bouncy bed'. He sat down next to Italy and petted him on the head. He hoped that if he would ignore the book question it would go away.
Rp chara's:
England, Lithuania, N.Italy, Canada, Prussia, Germany, Spain, France, S.Italy, Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Greece, Japan, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Latvia, Sealand, Austria, Switzerland...
What? you asked me to put them in my signature... I can't help I play close to everyone XD
OC: Frysia, Carthago, Etruria

Posts: 949
Joined: 10-03-2011 19:53

Post by talkenia » 15-07-2011 20:48

Prussia came to sit beside him and petted his head. Italy always liked that, as long as they stayed off the curl. Italy leaned against Prussia so he could pet him even better. "veh~" Italy put the book down beside him but let his hand rest on it, still somewhere being curious what was inside.
yes.. cookies are free for everyone now..
(i think they're overdue anyway..)

Main Roleplay character: Italy
minor: chibitalia~

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