Vacation which found your lover (Frain)

The 18 Boy / Boy section where you can add your guy on guy related love. 18 Boy / Boy includes sexual themes with a homosexual couple. Finished roleplays shall be moved to "Finished Roleplays"
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Post by Returnmemory » 27-06-2012 20:19

Soon Antonio reached his "house" and went inside to his room. Boy sat on his bed and trembled, "......He didn't say almost anything....he just...and can't...his friends were too scary..", boy mumbled and put his hands on his face, "....S-scary...", he cried quietly.

Suddenly, Antonio's note landed on Francis face.
Main Roleplay Character: Romano
Minor Roleplay Characters: N.Italy and Uke!Spain

Posts: 1435
Joined: 11-03-2011 11:20

Post by Teabrows » 27-06-2012 20:23

Some friends went home to hold a siesta and others went swimming. Francis decided to go home too, or rather on his way. He wanted to check upon Antonio, he was pretty worried. He went to his house and knocked on the door, waiting for a reply.
“My eyebrows make a more profound impact on other people than they do on me. I just let 'em grow.”.

Main rp character: England and France
Minor rp character: Prussia, Canada.

Military cat
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Post by Returnmemory » 27-06-2012 20:35

Antonio couldn't go answer to the door so his mother came, "Oh~ Hola dear francis~ Are you looking for Antonio~?", she smiled sweetly but soon he whispered, "...Umh..Do you know what's wrong with him...poor Antonio has been sobbing in his room already couple hours.
Main Roleplay Character: Romano
Minor Roleplay Characters: N.Italy and Uke!Spain

Posts: 1435
Joined: 11-03-2011 11:20

Post by Teabrows » 27-06-2012 20:40

"Bonjour, oui I am~." he smiled gently but said smile soon dropped. He bit his lip frowning slightly. He shook his head at Antonio's mother. "No, mais can I go talk to him, maybe I can cheer him up." he tried. It wasn't good when Antonio cried. Maybe Lovino had called or something.
“My eyebrows make a more profound impact on other people than they do on me. I just let 'em grow.”.

Main rp character: England and France
Minor rp character: Prussia, Canada.

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Joined: 17-03-2012 19:46

Post by Returnmemory » 27-06-2012 20:58

Mother let other in and knocked at Antonio's door, "Honey~ Francis is here".

Antonio startled and went under the blanked, "...No le dejes entrap!.. (Don't let him in!), boy shouted and tried to hold his crying.
"...I'm sorry..Antonio feels a bit sick so he does't want you to get his ill~ Come later...~"
Main Roleplay Character: Romano
Minor Roleplay Characters: N.Italy and Uke!Spain

Posts: 1435
Joined: 11-03-2011 11:20

Post by Teabrows » 27-06-2012 21:02

"but..." he opened his mouth but when a mother says no it's really no. He sighed in defeat. "Can you ask him if he comese by later?" he asked her with pleeding eyes. He really wanted to see Antonio, make sure he's okay.
“My eyebrows make a more profound impact on other people than they do on me. I just let 'em grow.”.

Main rp character: England and France
Minor rp character: Prussia, Canada.

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Joined: 17-03-2012 19:46

Post by Returnmemory » 27-06-2012 21:26

Mother nodded, "Sure~ I'll try to get him up...", she soon closed the door "Bye~".

Antonio stayed in his room, he didn't come out even in the morning.
Main Roleplay Character: Romano
Minor Roleplay Characters: N.Italy and Uke!Spain

Posts: 1435
Joined: 11-03-2011 11:20

Post by Teabrows » 27-06-2012 21:31

Francis smiled slightly. "Merci, bye." he left back home. The next day he waited outside for Antonio to come and water the plants but when no one came, he went to the beach anyway. He was still worried about Antonio and the more he thought about him, the more he started to miss him.

So much he couldn't stand it anymore, he walked back home and when Antonio wasn't outside he walked to the front door, knocking again. He really needed to make sure he was okay.
“My eyebrows make a more profound impact on other people than they do on me. I just let 'em grow.”.

Main rp character: England and France
Minor rp character: Prussia, Canada.

Military cat
Military cat
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Joined: 17-03-2012 19:46

Post by Returnmemory » 28-06-2012 07:17

Antonio heard that knocking, but he couldn't go, he looked too dumb.

Mother opened the door again, "Morning, Francis~", she smiled and still looked a bit worried, "....I see you're worried about him too. I'm not sure why he's like that. When we came home, he was all happy and talked about going to see you. But then he came home really really sad looking emotion on his face..Did something happen between you?", Tonios mother still let boy in if he wanted, "You should try."
Main Roleplay Character: Romano
Minor Roleplay Characters: N.Italy and Uke!Spain

Posts: 1435
Joined: 11-03-2011 11:20

Post by Teabrows » 28-06-2012 07:35

"Bonjour." he smiled and nodded. "Yeah." he titled his head thinking if he'd done something wrong, but shook his head. "I only said hi and then he had to go, so I have no idea, but yes I am worried." he smiled and mouthed a thanks when she let him in.

He quietely went up te stairs. He reached Antonio's bedroom and knocked on his door.
“My eyebrows make a more profound impact on other people than they do on me. I just let 'em grow.”.

Main rp character: England and France
Minor rp character: Prussia, Canada.

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