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Posted: 28-06-2012 21:04
by Returnmemory
"No...I don't...just laying on my bed..", he laughed quietly and stood up slowly.

Posted: 28-06-2012 21:15
by Teabrows
"You can always do that, c'mon let's do something fun." he got up and grabbed Antonio's hand, tugging him off the bed.

Posted: 29-06-2012 07:23
by Returnmemory
"Something fun....Si~", suddenly other grabbed from his wrist, "Wait Wait Wait!", boy shouted but it was already too late. Antonio was sleeping naked at the moment because he went to the shower last night and just came quickly to his bed. He didn't care about clothes then. So now, he was standing in front of that man, all naked. Boy tugged some cover on his crotch and blushed hard, ".....U-uhm...I need some clothes first", brunette laughed. How did he became so nervous right now when other saw his manhood.

Posted: 29-06-2012 12:01
by Teabrows
That was.... Francis hadn't expected him to be naked under the covers, clearly. He didn't blush but tried not look at it nonetheless. He laughed softly. "I could see that yes, Shall I wait downstairs?" he suggested.

Posted: 29-06-2012 12:48
by Returnmemory
"S-si!", he shouted quite nervously and shut the door after other had left his room. Boy put his normal white t-shirt and a little bit broken blue jeans. "..Now I'm ready..", he smiled and walked downstairs.

Mother stared at Francis, "You got him up? Thank you so much<3 Here. Have some juice~", she gave to other some juice and left to the kitchen.

"So..umh...what do you want to do..?", boy tilted his head and stared at Francis.

Posted: 29-06-2012 14:44
by Teabrows
Francis chuckled and walked slowly away just to tease a bit. He smiled at Antonio's mother. "Ah yes, it was nothing." he got the drink. "Thank you.' he sipped the juice, he had been quite thirsty.

"hmn well for a start, check upon your tomatoes?" he suggested. Francis hadn't dared touch the plants, not wanting to ruin anything, so he had just watered a few that weretoo dry. But Antonio should check on the rest himself, since he hadn't left the house in few days.

He thought for a moment. "Ah, I know. Let's go for grocery shopping, I'll cook you something tonight."

Posted: 29-06-2012 15:06
by Returnmemory
"Oh!..My tomatoes!", boy startled as he put his hat on and ran outside to take care of those. He was happy again.
"Grocery shopping sounds good~", Tonio answered as he was ready.

Posted: 29-06-2012 15:35
by Teabrows
Francis chuckled at his reaction and followed him outside. "I had watered them for you, but that's as far as my knowledge about plants goes." he told him.

"Let's go then. What's your favourite dish?" he wanted to make something good for Antonio.

Posted: 29-06-2012 16:01
by Returnmemory
"Mh, tomatoes were grateful~", he smiled and then started to think about dishes, "...I like something with tomatoes in it~ We can use my tomatoes so that saves your money~"

Posted: 29-06-2012 16:23
by Teabrows
" about pasta, and have our own homemade tomatoe sauce." he suggested.