Vacation which found your lover (Frain)

The 18 Boy / Boy section where you can add your guy on guy related love. 18 Boy / Boy includes sexual themes with a homosexual couple. Finished roleplays shall be moved to "Finished Roleplays"
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Post by Teabrows » 30-06-2012 23:20

After dinner, his mother offered to the dishes with Antonio's mother, and their dads stayed at the table to talk. Francis went with Antonio up to show his room, though it was nothing special.

"Are you alright?" he asked, wondering why Antonio had been so silent since dinner.
“My eyebrows make a more profound impact on other people than they do on me. I just let 'em grow.”.

Main rp character: England and France
Minor rp character: Prussia, Canada.

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Post by Returnmemory » 30-06-2012 23:25

Antonio leaned to the wall, he glanced through the room, "....Ah...sorry, I'm feeling a bit sleepy~! Ahaha~", brunette grew his wide smile again.
Main Roleplay Character: Romano
Minor Roleplay Characters: N.Italy and Uke!Spain

Posts: 1435
Joined: 11-03-2011 11:20

Post by Teabrows » 01-07-2012 07:33

"Ah I see." he smiled and nodded. "Want to go to the lake tomorrow again?" he wasn't sure why'd he not suggest the beach where he had friends and it was nicer, but perhaps because the lake was quiet and for some reason he'd like to be alone with Antonio.
“My eyebrows make a more profound impact on other people than they do on me. I just let 'em grow.”.

Main rp character: England and France
Minor rp character: Prussia, Canada.

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Post by Returnmemory » 01-07-2012 10:25

"Si!! I'd love to go to the lake again!~", Spaniard answered, "umhh...Can I bring my guitar there? It would be more peaceful if I play someting nice~ You can sing with me too if you can..spanish. ahahah~", boy joked and grinned.
Main Roleplay Character: Romano
Minor Roleplay Characters: N.Italy and Uke!Spain

Posts: 1435
Joined: 11-03-2011 11:20

Post by Teabrows » 01-07-2012 10:26

Francis smiled and nodded. "Sure you can." he chuckled. "I'm afraid, I don't know any spanish, but you could teach me, non?"
“My eyebrows make a more profound impact on other people than they do on me. I just let 'em grow.”.

Main rp character: England and France
Minor rp character: Prussia, Canada.

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Post by Returnmemory » 01-07-2012 10:30

"Of course I can teach you!~ Tomorrow then! at ten O'clock ¡buenas noches Francis~!, he left with his parents back to his home and layed on his bed. Boys thoughts wandered between Romano and Francis. ".....Why I'm thinking more Francis than Romano......", after an hour he finally fell asleep.
Main Roleplay Character: Romano
Minor Roleplay Characters: N.Italy and Uke!Spain

Posts: 1435
Joined: 11-03-2011 11:20

Post by Teabrows » 01-07-2012 10:37

"Great, I'll see you then. Bonne nuit~" he smiled and waved as Antonio left. That night he lied awake in bed thinking about the Spaniard. He caught himself smiling. "...maybe I'm just being silly, he's just a good friend." he tried and rolled over to try and fall asleep.
“My eyebrows make a more profound impact on other people than they do on me. I just let 'em grow.”.

Main rp character: England and France
Minor rp character: Prussia, Canada.

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Post by Returnmemory » 01-07-2012 10:40

As a surprise to the boys, as soon as the sun rose bright blue of the sky, they had to wake up.
Spaniard sat up, went to the shower, brushed his teeth etc.
Clock started to show already 10 and Antonio was in hurry, "....uuh...Guitar!", he grabbed his guitar with him and rushed outside.
Main Roleplay Character: Romano
Minor Roleplay Characters: N.Italy and Uke!Spain

Posts: 1435
Joined: 11-03-2011 11:20

Post by Teabrows » 01-07-2012 17:33

Francis woke up by the sun shining in his eyes. He took his time showering and eating breakfast. Then suddenly it was 10 am already. He quickly wrapped up lunch for him and Antonio and packed his backpack and rushed to Antonio's house.
"Tonio~ are you ready?" he asked as he knocked on the door.
“My eyebrows make a more profound impact on other people than they do on me. I just let 'em grow.”.

Main rp character: England and France
Minor rp character: Prussia, Canada.

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Posts: 446
Joined: 17-03-2012 19:46

Post by Returnmemory » 01-07-2012 18:19

Spanish boy laughed, "I'm already here~", he waved to other about 10 meter away from Francis and smiled. "Come on~ Let's go", Tonio said and started to walk towards the lake.
Main Roleplay Character: Romano
Minor Roleplay Characters: N.Italy and Uke!Spain

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