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Posted: 01-07-2012 18:32
by Teabrows
Francis laughed. "Ah sorry." he quickly ran towards to Antonio and they walked to the lake together. "It's such a nice day~"

Posted: 01-07-2012 20:40
by Returnmemory
Tonio sat on the place which looked nice and smiled. He touched his guitar gently and stared at it, ".....Do you want listen to it now?", boy chuckled.

Posted: 01-07-2012 20:57
by Teabrows
Francis sat down and nodded. "Yes please." he smiled sweetly and scooted a little closer to the Spanish boy.

Posted: 02-07-2012 07:25
by Returnmemory
Antonio took a good position, placed his hands on the right strings and other on the strings which he played. "mmh.....Aah~ Now I know...Sorry, I cannot sing almost anything else better than some love songs, so here's one of my favorites~!", Boy chuckled and started slowly to play.

// Lol I gotta go to school! I cannot find any love song lyrics. I don't know if Benny Ibarra - Vives en mi is love song but I love it :'D

Posted: 02-07-2012 07:30
by Teabrows
Francis chuckled. "That's fine." he assured him. "As long as it's a nice song, non?" he scooted just a bit closer, he was really curious how well the other could sing and play.

//and I'm going to Paris, back on next monday ^^

Posted: 02-07-2012 23:01
by Returnmemory
"Si~", boy smiled and started to sing with his pretty good tone and good playing with guitar.

Por poco y no podía más,
ya casi me dolía soñar,
justo cuando comensaba a no creer
llegaste tú, y desperte.

A tu lado aprendi a volar
a encontrar las ganas de luchar
me enseñaste que la magia
esta al alcanze de mi anhelo, y tu amor
me ha dado fé.

Y lo que tú me has dado
lo llevo en la sangre y en mi ser
oh oh oh
te sentire a mi lado
no importa donde sea que estés
tu amor dejo una huella en mi existir,
te guardo dentro
vives en mi ohh oh oh oh oh oh
vives en mi ohh oh oh oh~

Spaniard continued singing and went a bit emotional too.
// ooh! Good trip then :3

Posted: 03-07-2012 07:20
by Teabrows
Francis had his eyes focused on Antonio. His voice was beautiful and sounded so passionate. and it all was rather romantic. He leaned against Antonioès shoulder, smiling he closed his eyes

Posted: 03-07-2012 07:28
by Returnmemory
Tonio tried not to startle as blonde leaned agains his shoulder, though it was harder to play. He didn't mind, he just smiled gently and continued playing and singing.

Si la vida nos separa hoy,
ya verás que para siempre estoy,
flotando en tu respiración
me llevaras prendido a el corazón
igual que yo

Y lo que tu me has dado
lo llevo en la sangre y en mi ser
te sentire a mi lado
no importa donde sea que estés
tu amor dejo una huella en mi existir
te guardo dentro
vives en mi ohh oh oh
vives en mi
vives en mi ohhh oh oh oh oh
vives en mi ohohohoh
vives en mi

After that, the song was over.

Posted: 03-07-2012 17:05
by Teabrows
Francis looked up smiling at him. "That was beautiful" he exclaimed. He really meant it; Antonio had a great voice and got this sudden feeling in his stomache. But there was no way he was falling for him, rigth?

Posted: 03-07-2012 17:54
by Returnmemory
"¡Gracias!, Tonio chuckled and hugged Francis quickly. "I've been practicing pretty much!~ Do you want me to play some more?", he asked.