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Posted: 03-07-2012 21:14
by Teabrows
Francis hugged him back and nodded eagerly. "Yes, please" he wanted to hear more of it and feel the romantic setting again for some odd reasib.

Posted: 04-07-2012 07:15
by Returnmemory
Spain thought for a minute before he started to play again some Spanish love song.

Posted: 04-07-2012 21:24
by Teabrows
Francis gazed at Antonio, he studied him again, he now noticed how nice his hair was and how beautiful his eyes were. When their eyes met, he locked them and leaned closer to him.

Only to be interupted by people loudly running to the lake. Well there went the perfect moment. He creqted space between them and chuckled. "so far the quietness"

Posted: 04-07-2012 22:07
by Returnmemory
Antonio had closed his eyes for a moment, and when he opened them, Francis was odd close to his face which made him to stop playing. But luckily boy heard some noises, so Tonio turned his head that way, "...Oh...I guess this ends here", younger chuckled too.

Posted: 04-07-2012 23:16
by Teabrows
Francis nodded "yes, hmn let's go swimming too?" he suggested. It looked pretty nice and it was kind of warm so.

(Should they sperate after swimming? and in the evening they kiss by the fire or would that be too soon?)

Posted: 05-07-2012 05:46
by Returnmemory
Antonio thought, "...Well, I'm afraid to leave my guitar here alone. Someone could steal it...", brunette mumbled. "I'm sorry, I guess I can't come, but I can watch~", he grinned and started just to play something, but not sing.

(Mmh...'kay :3 sounds cute<3)

Posted: 05-07-2012 22:01
by Teabrows
"Ah right, of course. You dont mind?" he asked checking before he stripped down to his swimming shorts which he was wearing under his pants and ran towards the water taking a nice dive.

Posted: 06-07-2012 06:20
by Returnmemory
"Nonono! Of course not!!", he laughed and smiled. "Go on~", Tonio continued his guitar playing and quietly singed one song.
Soon it started to get lunch time, "Francis! I have to go to eat now the evening?"

Posted: 06-07-2012 21:57
by Teabrows
He pulled himself onthe side and nodded " I see? Ill see you in the evening then." he confirmed in with a smile. "Should I pick you up?"

Posted: 07-07-2012 10:01
by Returnmemory
Tonio gave a small smile, "Si~ I'll be ready then!~", spaniard chuckled and stood up as he started to run towards his house.