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Posted: 27-06-2011 20:11
by Xenvive
He got two chopsticks handed and he blibks questioning to china....

Your not serious now are you...?

He herd prussia complain and herd prussia ask about "that" game.
He swallowed and glared at prussia who wasnt friendly enough to explain that game..

That game.. Its a dice game.. Everybody throws a dice and the person with the highest dice number gets the premmision to rule over the others.... In all ways... All ways... *he sighs*

He pulls out two dice's and puts them on the small table .. he sighed once again an grabbed the chopsticks..

(hehe.. Thats a real game.. Right mirlin...? >=D that dice "yaoi" game do ya remember?)

Posted: 04-07-2011 11:32
by Mirlin
((I-I... I thought we were going to do that spin the bottle game D8 aahh well...))

Yao looked up when the netherlands asked him if he was serious. "Something wrong?" He asked a little surprised, still not noticing that the two males couldn't use chopsticks.

When the netherlands told him about the game, he stared at him quietly. "Rule over the others?" He asked raising an eyebrow. For a moment he wanted to reject the idea, but then a little voice in the back of his head reminded him of the idea that he could rule over the others, just by playing a silly game.

He quickly finished his bowl and placed them next to him. "I'm in." He said confident.

Posted: 06-07-2011 16:17
by Zakulf
"Ugh ... Eating with these is useless!" Gilbert growled and moved the chopsticks aside. Then he started to just drink the complete soup away from his plate, leaving some of it's ingredients on the plate. "Verdammt! ... I burned my tongue ..." he cursed.

He didn't really pay attention to the rest, only looked when Holland threw some dices on a table. "Is this a new game?" he asked. "Well let's see what happens then!"

(Let's roll a dice IRL as well, I got 4! -Just rolled it- or do we need to roll it twice?)