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Posted: 27-07-2011 04:47
by Kelteed
She was happy with the fact that Adriana was going to listen more to her than to the Frenchmen. Because for unknow, or maybe known reason since we were of course talking of Francis, Antonia started to hate the French. He was too pervert to be called the Country of Love. Yes, Antonia was flirting around with alot of people she saw, but she did it the respectfull way of doing it. She didn't want and let out horrible pick-up lines as well as much too close approach. And his teaching....Antonia prefer to pass this out of her mind. So willing to listen to Antonia....actually listening and wanting Antonia advice over Francis one had made her even happier that she was. She was already happy with the massage, now she was back to her usual happy self.

Antonia saw that Adriana was herself happy as well with the tips Antonia. She felt good for the girl. If she wanted to find love into women, that was fine. And if asking tips from Antonia would help her find that love and help her live better, that was fine as well. Antonia didn't mind doing that, even if she had pass the years of the lovey-dovey time with one lover. You could consider her as a player if you thought about it. Did she cared about it? No, she was too proud to care about what the other were saying about her. Every rumor had pass, she wouldn't started caring.

The way that Adriana had walked made her wonder. Was it her or Adriana was becoming more adult by the minute? It was something Antonia....liked to see. She didn't find it cute, but good of her to grow up like that. She was proud indeed, and who knows, maybe consider her a bit older now.

Ah wine. What was the last time she had drink any? Far too much long ago. So much, that she thought that she had lost the taste of wine on her tongue. It was something that Antonia hope didn't happen. Because she loved wine. Wine was made to be tasted, take time to drink it and taste every aroma. For the Spaniard lady, there was always a good occasion to drink a glass. But, she would never get herself drunk. First, she didn't like being drunk at all, she was somewhat vunerable when she was. Secondly, she didn't drink wine quick enough to drunk herself with it.

She extended her own arm to grab the glass, giving a nod of thanks and took a sip of it. My, it almost felt more refreashing than water. Mmmmhh~ The wine is great, you have great taste into it querida~. She said, taking another quick sip.

Posted: 27-07-2011 07:39
by VanDerZanden
Antonia's elegant arm reached out and took the proffered wine, while Adriana was left admiring the very way that the Spanish lady moved even so slightly. She wanted badly at that moment to put her own arms around Antonia and scrap her plan. That would have been foolish, though, and she chided herself for considering that option. Antonia didn't spend her romantic moments with one person exclusively; if Adriana wanted a share of them, she still had to take this in a passionate but comfortable way, a Spanish way. Even if she herself were actually Catalan.

Seeing that Antonia liked the wine so much made Adriana's smile brighter still. She'd gone to great lengths to obtain not just a good vintage, but a good Spanish wine. Something that would reflect their shared traits and also help relax the mood properly as Adriana moved to the next piece of seduction. By no means did she want to get Antonia drunk - that would be unfair to her, and would probably make Antonia mad at Adriana. Adriana herself only planned on one glass. Any more could make her drunk faster than Antonia, and she really didn't want to be slurring her speech when she was trying to be smooth and sophisticated. She also didn't want her words to be construed as the wine talking instead of her being honest.

"If I have such good taste in wine, it's because I learned from an expert," Andorra told Antonia after taking a sip of her glass. It really was good!

Adriana stepped over to the record player she'd brought up and put on some nice classical music. It had been selected because it was a favorite of Adriana's, and also had some nice Spanish guitar in it. That felt like it fit very well with spending time with Antonia. She looked over to Antonia again, grinned knowingly, and then took a seat on the couch with her glass of wine. Wasting no time, she patted the cushion next to her as an invitation for Antonia to join her.

"Would you honor me with your presence on the couch, princesa?" she cooed to Antonia, the first time she'd ever spoken in that tone to her neighbor. Not putting enough of a pause for an interjection in, Adriana tagged on, "Come, let me tell you about the woman who's captured my eye and heart.. that is, if you'd like to gossip.."

Posted: 27-07-2011 22:07
by Kelteed
She was flatter by that comment. It felt like that comment was directed to her. Because again, a Franco-Spanish conflict was there with the wine. Both of them were expert into wine, both of them liked wine alot. But Antonia had never really like the taste of the French into, the art of wine. While Antonia liked white wine much more than because of its bitterness but savoury, Francis liked red wine much more, who was too sweet for her, that you could only eat with French cuisine, which was too much pricky and too much formal, having too many rules, since in Spanish cuisine, it was always made with attention, and love. Spanish chef were always happy to cook, almost dancing in their kitchen. French chef were stric, yelled alot angrily, and were never happy with their result, which irritated the Spaniard alot.

The fact that Adriana herself drank wine was also making her more mature. Indeed, Adriana had always acted young, energetic, almost childish, while she were actually, in a way, older than Antonia. But Antonia thought that the reason why Adriana was like that was because she never had any real responsabilities over her countries. Never the less, the girl in front of her was growing up and it made her proud. Wine to her was the most mature alcool to drink. Not anyone could drink it. But of course, she would keep her eyes open and be sure that Adriana would not get herself drunk.

The invitation made her laugh inside. Adriana was more and more considering Antonia like a princess, first the name, the massage, the many thing, and now this invitation. She couldn't hold a small chuckle. She had been treated like a real princess, or should I say a queen since very long, while she was the Great Conqueror of the New World. Both now was the time to remember, since when Antonia remember of those time, she would or gloom or think that she's better and the greatest of all. Now was the time to relax, but didn't mean she could joke about it.

Well of course I would, she gave out a bow, before standing back up and giving up a wink to Adriana. I'll listen to you querida. Maybe I will even be able to give you tips to get to that woman heart. She said while walking to the couch, siting down next to Adriana, taking another sip of wine.

Now...go on, describe me that woman that caught you in her net.

Posted: 28-07-2011 23:00
by VanDerZanden
Just drinking wine with Antonia proved to be something requiring a lot of concentration for Andorra. Firstly she kept wondering if she was holding the wine glass the wrong way. If she were, Antonia likely wouldn't care, but Adriana wanted to look more sophisticated. Sophisticated and mature went hand in hand. Every now and then she'd adjust her hand to make it look more correct than before. This had the effect of making her hand look as if it were nervously twitching every few seconds. This was something Adriana didn't notice due to the other thing that was drawing her attention.

The woman in front of her. Rather, the woman sitting on the couch next to her, smiling and enjoying a gift of wine. How did you describe the person who'd caught you in their net when they were right there? More importantly how did you do it and not give up the ghost too soon? Adriana had all sorts of ways to describe Antonia, but she needed some time to figure out how to say them and be a little more subtle. Antonia loved flattery, and anything Adriana was going to say would amount to that. Yet she wanted the words to be special, maybe even flirtatious, and so the dilemma.

She did have to smirk at Antonia's suggestion of tips on how to capture her desired woman's heart. If only she knew. Actually she might know shortly. To give tips on how to capture your own heart would be akward for Adriana, but Antonia had always been more composed than her. Composed enough to do so and not even blink, Adriana thought. Andorra had another sip of wine before she spoke again, taking her time so that she could gaze upon Antonia a while longer.

Adriana set the glass down on the coffee table, far in enough that she wouldn't accidentally knock it over. Making a mess wouldn't help her at all. Next she leaned over a little as if about to tell Antonia an important secret no one else could know about. In a way it was.

"Words can't really describe her appropriately, but I'll try," she began smiling knowingly to Antonia before she started explaining, "She's.. incredible. Magnífic...I'd even go as far as to call her perfecte, even though she might not think so. To me she is. She's a great beauty and has such wonderful fashion sense, but makes it look sooo easy. Every time I see her, I keep comparing myself to her, but there's no comparison. She's a queen, while I'm just some poor peasant girl by the road."

Adriana paused, looking intently at Antonia before she continued, "Her eyes are breathtaking by themselves. They're these perfectly cut emeralds, every glint or sparkle in the light drawing me in further. Other people think she's high strung and manipulative, but they don't know her. She's really very nice and takes things in her own way, nice and relaxed. Unlike so many, she likes to enjoy whatever she does, and so she does things in a very particular way. I love that about her.

"She's always busy, but still takes time to talk to me despite that. It feels like I've known her for a really long time, too - you know what I mean? Like we think alike and share all the same interests. I'm not sure she even considers me grown up enough to love.. I'm sure she doesn't. But I'm going to work hard to change her mind. She's that important to me," Adriana continued still, blushing a little the more she went on, "So I'm stuck. I really like her. I've really liked her for a while now, but she can't see that I do. What do you think I should do, Antonia?"

Posted: 29-07-2011 02:53
by Kelteed
Antonia saw that Adriana was deeply in love with the woman she was talking about. The way she talk and describe here, that made Antonia smiled, since she could easily recognize the Spanish part of Adrian, the part she liked much more of her, that she was proud of. Yes, Adriana was talking about the woman she loved, and to say, Antonia did found the woman beautifull, well, as for phisical beauty that is, since she didn't knew who the woman was. She was almost feeling like meeting the woman in person, but it was Adriana's love. If Adriana had found her rare pearl, the one she loved, something Antonia had long give up on, than Antonia would help her, so that that certain woman she spoke of would see that someone loved her deeply.

But something kept on Antonia mind. The fact that Adriana seem stressed, nervous. She had heard that when you see or are with that loved one, something that Antonia didn't really knew, you were talking, acting, and doing wierd things, basicly not being yourself. It also made you have butterflies in your stomach as the called, which was the source of making you nervous. But what she mostly saw in Adriana was her finger twiching over her glass before she started talking. Was she that nervous? What the woman giving her that much of an effect? Antonia was surprise of that, maybe because she didn't really knew what was love.

She listen carefully to Adriana, giving simple nods to make her sure that she was listening to her word, not just listening to listen and not care. No, she wasn't that kind of person. When Adriana finish, asking her for advice, Antonia took one last sip of her wine, put it aside on the small table aside the couch and looked back at the girl that was talking earlier. Now was the time for advice.

Well querida, I can easily that you love and that that mujer makes you go crazy about her. So here are my advice. First, it's not because you're a peasant that you cannot go to that queen. I'm sure that this queen is open to that. Hmmm...she paused, thinking a bit to say what next. I also see that you and that mujer seems close. So I guess that if you're that close, have more and more dates and evening together. And if you feel confident enough, makes it a sexy evening. You can always go and kiss her. Cheek, lips, it's up to you. But....if one of you is a bit more shy or you're not sure, just go out with nice, relaxing date, cuddling and hugging, those stuff! She let out a small chuckle, wanting to show what Adriana should do, but not going to far. She putted her hand on Adriana's cheek, lightly carressing it, playing with a strand of her, showing her what to do. See querida, kissing is not just lips. It's within all the body, just like how I'm doing. She took her hand back. You're a great girl. Good looking, really! I'm sure that this woman you are talking about is really blind, show her, I know you can.

Posted: 29-07-2011 09:54
by VanDerZanden
It helped quite a lot that Antonia studiously listened to what Adriana had to say. Each and every little nod she gave while the youthful looking Andorra as she got a big piece of her admission of love off her chest helped encourage Adriana. Nearly anyone else might have half listened, or pretended they'd heard the whole thing. Not Antonia. Antonia was really paying attention to all her words, even as Adriana was starting to feel nervous a little. Once she'd finished speaking and Antonia thought before giving advice, Adriana smiled politely to mask the relief she felt for having said her peace. Most of it anyway.

What was peculiar was that once she'd said it, she didn't feel nervous at all. No queasy stomach of lightheadedness that she sometimes had on those occasions she was nervous normally. As Antonia gave her advice Adriana felt encouraged and relieved (again). Even though she was being given advice for an unknown love, Adriana took them to be a guide on how to approach Antonia about her feelings Antonia's advice to Adriana soon became a mental checklist for the girl scheming to seduce her mentor.

Dates and an evening together? They'd already had many of those, and what was this if not another? Make it a sexy evening? Adriana definitely had plans for that, ranging from some sensuous dancing to 'showing off' a bit, letting Antonia see her matured form uninhibited by the cute but childish clothes she normally wore, and beyond. This was definitely a relaxing date, too - even if Antonia wasn't aware that it was one yet. Si, everything was going perfecte so far! Until Antonia mentioned that Adriana could always kiss the object of her affection.

Confident Adriana might have been, but Antonia's hand on her cheek made the girl's cheeks flush nearly crimson. A soft caress. The beautiful Spanish lady fingering a strand of her hair. It all was what she'd wished for quite a while now, but she stopped herself short of turning to mush over that gesture. She was the older one here, so she should take that advice and put it into action herself! Adriana was a little sad when the hand was withdrawn, but smiled sheepishly when Antonia poured more compliments on her. That last part stuck on her, too: this woman she'd been talking about was really blind, and needed to be shown.

But just a gesture couldn't be enough, could it? Certainly she should say something profound, as if she hadn't already. Frightened that the moment of truth wouldn't be complete without the right line, Adriana tried to think of something. 'You are my Queen, and I live to serve you! Allow me the honor of undressing you..'. No, that was far too much like Francis. What about 'I know you wanted to relax, so please enjoy some Andorran hospitality'? Too cheesy. Everything she thought of was just recycled from France! It was like he'd invaded her thoughts and was filling them with nothing but his own personally approved one-liners. Terrible!

"I think I understand.." Adriana finally said, feeling very underwhelming at the moment.

She started to reach up to caress Antonia's cheek, but hesitated. Her heart was pounding so hard she could feel it beating in her chest rapidly. That queasiness in her stomach surfaced at long last, making her feel a bit under the weather. Could she really do this? Wouldn't it ruin her friendship with Antonia if Spain rejected her seduction? Adriana closed her eyes, concentrated, and knew deep down that she needed to do this. It was time.

Eyes fluttering open at the realization, Adriana moved her hand to Antonia's cheek and brushed it gently. There was a supreme yet benevolent confidence in her eyes as she twirled a finger in Antonia's hair just as she'd been shown. Next she leaned closer, fighting the urge to lose herself in the emerald eyes she'd so praised moments before. To her it was incredibly slow and profound as she slid next to Antonia and leaned up, her lips nearing Antonia's every second. Her heart beat faster. Adriana closed her eyes again as her lips at long last met Antonia's in a kiss, which was absolutely electrifying for Andorra. Instinctively her arm began to slip around Antonia's waist, trying to draw herself closer to the woman she'd finally confessed her passion for.

Posted: 30-07-2011 03:42
by Kelteed
A kiss. A kiss? Yes, a kiss. A kiss coming from the girl in front of her, Adriana Foix De Cardona. She was stung. Frozen. This was the first time in her life that she didn't knew what to do. That she wasn't in controll of herself. What was happening with her? Her, that was always so confident of herself, always knew what to do, how to react, how to act, now was stuck by just a pair of lips on her. Antonia was really stuck, she wasn't herself. She was now the girl not knowing how to act and that would need advice. What was happening with her? She had to get herself back. But do what? Has Antonia ever felt love, attraction to Adriana? Maybe, but it was of a platonic way of it, as sibling, not as lover. If it was love that Adriana wanted, love as lover, Antonia wasn't the one that would give it. It was long since Antonia had give up on that.

Unfortunatly the first thing did was to kiss back. Why? Because it was what she was always doing when someone kiss her. She was so use to being get kissed around by everyone that it became a natural reflet. Was it a good idea to happen with Adriana? Maybe maybe not, she didn't knew anymore. Her eyes were open yes, but her gaze has somehow soften. Why? She didn't knew, but to say, Adriana's lips felt sweet, soft. Indulging to the most. It felt different, but she thought that Adriana was taking too much of the lead, even if it is what she had told her not even a few minutes ago.

But Antonia was a leader, and she did the right thing to do. Take the lead. She push her lips onto Adriana, showing her who she was kissing right now. A Spaniard woman by the name of Antonia Maria Carriedo. And that woman was no bottom. She did so, not fearing of Adriana reaction. Not. At. All. She would have lick that lower lip so that Adriana open her mouth, but doing so would have probably scare the girl. She would not do that. She would actually give the girl a chance. Who knows. Maybe it was worth it. Yes, she would let her have her chance.

Hands around her waist were felt and she let Adriana do so. She didn't mind really, it was okay by her. But her own hand slept around Adriana's waist, in a much more possessive and dominant way, showing her what the Spaniard was trully. The kiss continued, lips moving agaisnt each other but nothing darting or too much passionetly. No, not now. Then was the moment to pull back and talk.

Now querida....was that practice or was that real~? She said, slightly smirking and chuckling.

Posted: 31-07-2011 20:25
by VanDerZanden
There had been no telling how Antonia would react to the kiss given her previous disposition towards Andorra. Truly there was a strong chance that she might reject Adriana's advances out of hand. Or chalk them up to nothing more than the wine, as Adriana had feared. Was she even sure what love was? Adriana had never had any relationships, really, thanks to her relaxed and protected youth. For all she'd been advised on the subject by friends, she was pretty sure she loved Antonia. Though maybe it was a bit of lust too. A beautiful treasure she'd never been allowed to seize until now.

So it was surprising when Antonia kissed back. Adriana's eyes opened breifly at the surprise of this, but slid closed again as their intimate moment deepened. Antonia's soft lips bore some of the taste of the wine she'd drunk, giving them an even more sensuous feel. It was pure ecstasy. She never wanted that moment to end, save for exploring such contact with Antonia further. This was an experience of Adriana's own making, and proved at least this far to be more wonderful than she'd imagined in those wild ideas of hers. Her hands slid around Antonia's waist at last, their bodies met, and Adriana felt an electric jolt through her system. The closer she got to Antonia, the more she needed to explore!

She was stopped in that when Antonia seized the lead for herself. The momentum of their kiss shifted decisively in Spain's direction as she pushed forward quite literally. Andorra stiffened a little at feeling that, but only for a second. Was Antonia actually returning the same kind of affection Adriana felt for her? It really felt like it. Adriana should've been overjoyed at that but instead she felt a little upset. Not that Antonia liked her - that made her tremendously happy - but that Antonia was trying to be in charge.

Sure she was a proud Spaniard, and rightfully so. But who was the elder girl here? Who had felt these feelings first? Whose idea had this all been? Adriana needed to reassert a little control over this. Not a lot, but enough that she could better guide the experience. She didn't want Antonia taking over just to say, 'oh, you're a child, so you don't know any better.' No, the Principality of Andorra - Adriana Foix De Carmona, Carloginian Princess and Catalan Maiden - would not let that happen. When Antonia pulled back to talk, Adriana smiled at first but then frowned a bit.

"Antonia, I know you're used to being the strong girl... but I'm strong too. I am over 1,100 years old, you know," she remarked, thoughts getting somewhat mangled as she spoke with arms folded across her chest.

She then softened, put a hand on Antonia's thigh, and smiled, "That was real, mon amor. As real as it can be, and I'm going to show you much, much more than that..

Posted: 31-07-2011 23:42
by Kelteed
This was real. What was happening right now was trully real. Kissing the girl that she had raised and protect, befriend and helped, was now being love. Maybe not a full love, but surely some love into it. Antonia was a special lover. Not the average one, but she was interrested in many things when it come to higher level of love. Being friend with a French pervert and a Prussian wierd-mind was something that got into your mind. She knew many things and had many fantasm. Who knew if Adriana had some special fantasm....maybe they would explore them tonight. All those thing were passing in her head just before she had pulled back and talked.

Though the fact of Adriana frowning had made Antonia. Was she not happy with her kissing back. Or was it her respond? It seems so from what Adriana had said back. Yes, Antonia was the strong and dominant girl in whatever couple she had been in, whenever the partner was a woman or a man, in a way. She dominate everything. The small, the tall, the strong, the weak, everything. But it seems like Adriana wanted to be the dominate. Antonia did thought about it a few moment....yes, she could give her a chance, but she would have to give her all she had. She would have to show everything she had to get the honor of dominating her.

Yes, she was up to this idea. It even excited her to say. She looked at Adriana directly in her eyes and let out one of her signature smirk. Si, you are strong querida, and you will show me that. She said, almost letting out some lust into her voice. She took hold of Adriana chin. Show me that ''much, much more'' in the bedroom~. She let go of the chin and got her, still looking into Adriana eyes. She walked away to the said bedroom and sat down on the bed, open a few button of her outfit, to letting see a bit of chest and cleavage.

Well come here Adriana, I won't least for now~

Posted: 03-08-2011 01:03
by VanDerZanden
Suddenly things were moving faster than Adriana had planned on. After kissing Antonia and suggesting that maybe she should be the one taking the initiative, she had planned on building up to a trip to the bedroom. At the least maybe a little dancing to get in the mood. But then she was in the mood, and her heart kept pounding as the moment drew near. She hadn't even been sure that Antonia would allow her to take over, but then of all things.. she did.

Adriana's eyes widened a little when Antonia took her chin and told her to show of her much, much more in the bedroom. She gulped a little. A bit of persperation formed up on her forehead as she nervously watched Antonia head to the bed chamber. No matter how she looked at it, this was what she'd wanted, planned for, and asked for. Antonia was inviting as always, though now it was in a much sexier way than Adriana had ever seen before. The way she sat on that bed, her top unbuttoned to show of her chest... that chest she'd groped during the massage.

Adriana took another sip of her wine to cool herself down while she calmed her mind. All she had to do was show Antonia everything she could do. Show her how much of a woman she'd become. No more being just a little sister. This was Adriana's opportunity! And that exposed cleavage was so tempting... not nearly so much as the full of Antonia herself, though.. a sexy, experienced woman, all hers for the taking. After another deep breath, Adriana gracefully stepped into the bedroom and closed the door behind her.

"You really know how to get a girl worked up," Adriana teased, smiling as she sat on the bed next to Antonia.

She slipped one arm around Antonia's shoulders and pulled herself close to the Spanish lady. Then she gently slipped her free hand down the front of Antonia's top, softly fondling the treasures that lay just inside. Adriana was still starting slow, at least compared to how quickly certain others might have gone. But this was her way of doing it, not something she'd picked up from less than reliable sources.