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Posted: 25-06-2012 08:43
by knightofbootay
(i like how ur okay with animals walking in on a bj but the frenchie-tiems gotta get real.)

When Alice noticed that Alfred swore, it sounded different. It sounded like 'we-just-got-caught' type of fuck than 'keep-going' type of fuck. She didn't really care anymore. When she got the last of the cake, she stood up and pulled her underwear down really slowly. When those came off, she undid her bra and took that off slowly as well. Alice blushed and sat on Alfred's lap again. "You can do whatever you want." Alice was so embarressed that she couldn't even look at Alfred.

Posted: 25-06-2012 09:40
by teleozoicGlissando
[K. I never said that it wasn't going to be real- and shoot me now LOL. ↓ ]


Alfred let out a displeased whimper as Alice removed her mouth from him- even if it was to undress herself. He was just about to finish too.

"Damn." Alfred didn't sound really upset though, seeing that now he could do whatever he wanted with Alice.

Sitting her onto the table in front of him, he spead her legs open before shyly checking if she was wet enough. Heat returned to his cheeks while doing so, he was awkward at some of the most unfitting moments, geez. Fuck, he thought, Alice wasn't exactly ready enough. Alfred quickly scanned the rest of the table behind her... butter. He could've sworn that sticking food up there was a no-no, and he wasn't sure if Alice would appreciate being smothered up in butter either. Ehhhh..

Directing his attention to the waiting princess in front of him, he realised that he'd have to do that. Luckily, since she was here she wouldn't get pregnant, so he was good.

Without even thinking about if it would hurt her or not, Alfred pushed Alice's back onto the table with a thud. Hopefully she's some kind of masochist, he thought after realising what he'd done.

Scooting his chair closer to the table, he began to do what would be called "going down" on Alice, gliding his tongue over her moist pink flesh like a lady seductively licking ice cream on a cone- but quicker. He firmly held Alice's thighs for when she'd begin having spasms, he could end up getting kicked in the face for all he knew.


[I'm sorry Iris, I'm used to yaoi, not hentai. I'm trying my best- though since it's with you I'm laughing my ass off. Enjoy Alfred's manhandling <3 ]

Posted: 25-06-2012 10:02
by knightofbootay
(I know you're trying. I am too. We- well mostly me- should start getting used to guy on girl or vice versa.)

Alice bit her lip. She hit her head pretty hard, but, she forgot all about when Alfred started 'going down.' "A-aahhh~ Alfred! Aaaaahhhhhh!" Alice tried to cover her mouth to keep the moans from coming out, but, it wasn't working- so she gave up on that. Alice's legs tried to move, but, Alfred's strenght was unbelivable. "F-f-f-faster.. Ahh!" Not exactly what she prased in her head. That was better than nothing.

(this is me trying mah best.. Too much yaoi.)

Posted: 26-06-2012 03:13
by teleozoicGlissando
[That reminds me of a show on the cooking channel- Girl on Grill. xDDDD
Yeah, thankfully I read up on this stuff. I TOLD YOU THAT IT WOULD COME IN HANDY ONE DAY!!!1!!11!]


Alfred happily complied, flicking his tongue along her clitoris seeing that it's very sensitive- with occasional wet sucks- as fast as he could. He very much enjoyed making Alice feel powerless, it made him feel more in control- not that he actually was though. Even after this, Alfred would still be her guide and helper unless she assigned him some other job. He didn't really see that happening any time soon though.

Seeing how close Alice was, Alfred decided to just continue on. He'd use her love juices as a lubricant when she finished- it was naturally made for that purpose anyway, though hopefully there would be enough.


I hate writing for a submissive (don't comment on how ironic that is) since it's so boring and you don't have too many options.
I like how giddy we are at doing this too- it's hilarious. ]