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Posted: 10-03-2012 23:28
by KageTheDog
Prussia pushed his tounge in as far as it could go. While doing this, he squeezed Hungary's ass and rubbed it, amazed at how soft her body was. "Enjoying this?"

Posted: 10-03-2012 23:40
by BeyondReaper
Hungary panted and moaned, arching her body more into him. A smile was evident on her flushed face. "Y-Yes! Please give me more... Adj többet!" She accidently repeated in her native tongue.

Posted: 10-03-2012 23:54
by KageTheDog
Prussia pulled his tounge out and started fingering Hungary, going soft and slow. "Youre really wet down here, Eliza. Its just flowing out!"

Posted: 11-03-2012 00:03
by BeyondReaper
Hungary maybe was a bit embarrased that she was so turned on by the man before her. She wrapped one leg around him and pulled her down hard and warningly, as to tell him not to try and make fun of her, because she still found it rather awkward.

Posted: 11-03-2012 00:18
by KageTheDog
Prussia laughed and fingered harder. "Haha alright, I get it. I wont make fun anymore." The Prussian man kissed his friend for awhile but kept fingering, slowly going harder and harder.

Posted: 11-03-2012 00:21
by BeyondReaper
The Hungarian kissed back hungrily, satisfied with the answer. Her moaning increased.
"Nng... just put it in already!"

Posted: 11-03-2012 00:33
by KageTheDog
Gilbert smiled and pulled his fingers out and laughed. "Looks like someone cant wait. Fine, I'll put it in." He pulled his pants and boxers off and rubs it against Hungary teasingly.

Posted: 11-03-2012 00:36
by BeyondReaper
Hungary rolled her eyes and grabbed a hold of Prussia to pull him in close, spreading her legs a little wider so he had more acces. "Shut up, Gilbert." She warned with a smirk.

Posted: 11-03-2012 00:46
by KageTheDog
Gilbert laughed and shoved himself inside Hungary hard and fast. He could feel her close around him, not letting him go. "Feels good in here. Nice and warm.", He said as he started pushing hard.

Posted: 11-03-2012 00:52
by BeyondReaper
Hungary cried out in slight pain and pleasure. "Easy there Gilbert..." She panted and grunted softly. "F.Feels good but I have to get used to it as well!" She complained and groaned softly.