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Posted: 11-03-2012 17:40
by KageTheDog
Prussia grinned. Hungary sure was smart. Even if it was just for her pleasure. "You are a genius, Eliza." Prussia kisses her then lowered his head and started licking furiously.

Posted: 11-03-2012 17:42
by BeyondReaper
Eliza grinned widely at the compliment and arched into that talented tongue licking her clean. She moaned and enjoyed the feeling fully.

Posted: 11-03-2012 17:45
by KageTheDog
Gilbert thought that this liquid had such a strange taste. But if Eliza was enjoying it, then he must keep going. Plus, the inside of her was delicuous and addictive. "Eliza, you taste amazing! I cant get enough of it!"

Posted: 11-03-2012 17:51
by BeyondReaper
Eliza chuckled and moaned softly. "Gilbert you feel so good..." She breathed out. Her mind clouded every time that tongue went to work. It was just so good!

Posted: 11-03-2012 17:58
by KageTheDog
The Prussians mind had athousand things flying inside it. What makes her taste so good? Would everyday be like this? And what would he do if she came? Keep licking? Gilbert hoped she would so he wouldnt have to stop. He was enjoying this way to much to stop! "Man, this is the best taste ever!"

Posted: 11-03-2012 18:10
by BeyondReaper
The Hungarian panted, her face flushed. The hot breaths, the way his tongue moved around inside her, it was too much for him. She couldn't help it, she was too excited.
"H-Haannnnng.. c-close.." She said about a minute before coming with a pleasured cry.

Posted: 11-03-2012 18:19
by KageTheDog
Gilbert laughed. "Excited, are we? Dont worry, I'll get it." He kept on licking, going faster and faster. He licked the walls of the insides of Eliza, scooping all of liquid into his mouth in clumps. He had also noticed that this liquid tasted much better than the other before. Mabye it was because it was hers and not his. Either way, he was pleasing Eliza, so he kept licking.

Posted: 11-03-2012 19:36
by BeyondReaper
Eliza breathed heavily, her chest heaving and her face still red. She loved the feeling so much. Slowly she relaxed her muscles after riding the climax out completely.

Posted: 11-03-2012 20:09
by KageTheDog
"Thats the last of it. How was it?", He said as he licked that last clump of her juices. He was somewhat sad that there was none left. At the same time he was happy that Eliza enjoyed it enough to climax.

Posted: 11-03-2012 20:36
by BeyondReaper
"S-So good..." She admitted out of breath. Weak from all the pleasure, Eliza gathered her clothes and got dressed so they could soon leave.