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Forest Meetings

Posted: 09-03-2012 22:09
by BeyondReaper
(lame name but ah well -.-)
Character: Hungary

Name: Elizaveta Héderváry

Age: 21 (appearance wise)

Appearance: Image

Summary: When both walking through the forest, looking out for their enemy, Hungary and Prussia stumble on each other. Will Hungary just beat him up? Or might there be something else....?

Posted: 09-03-2012 22:23
by KageTheDog
(Let's see how this goes for my first rp on this forum. Damn phone won't let me put pictures -_-)
Character: Prussia

Name: Gilbert Beilschmidt

The Prussian walked through the woods, crouched. "Damnit, I need to find this fool. No one says I'm unawesome and gets away with it!", He yelled. "He is definitely going to die! Kesesese~"

Posted: 09-03-2012 22:24
by KageTheDog
(Oh and age: 23. My bad I forgot.)

Posted: 09-03-2012 22:29
by BeyondReaper
(aaaaah I bet you'll do fine ^^)

The Hungarian girl made her way past the trees, she was a little beaten up, some stains on her outfit and a small cut on her face, while there was bandaging around her left arm. But she was alright, mostly.
"When I find that idiot I will kill him... this time I will kill him!" Elizaveta cursed, her anger boiling to a dangerously high level.

Posted: 09-03-2012 22:37
by KageTheDog
The Prussian walks past a tree and sees a human-like figure and grabs the back the figures shirt. "Kesesese~ I've found you now! You're vital regions are mine! There is no where to run now!"

Posted: 09-03-2012 22:43
by BeyondReaper
Hungary gives a hard elbow to the ribs of the person holding her back. "Now I got you.. you bastard!" She turns around to see her enemy, only to be met with someone else.

Posted: 09-03-2012 22:53
by KageTheDog
Gilbert let's go of the woman and doubles over. "Dammit! Eliza, what the he'll are you doing here?", he said as he gasped for breath.

Posted: 09-03-2012 23:04
by BeyondReaper
"Gilbert!" She cried out frustrated. "I am trying to find the idiot who caused me this!" She exclaimed while pointing to the bonding around her arm.
"What are you doing here?" Eliza helped him to sit down, knowing it's the right thing to do.

Posted: 09-03-2012 23:16
by KageTheDog
"A-are you okay? You look hurt." The albino man puts his hands softly on the Hungarians arm and inspected the bandage. "This is totally not awesome!"

Posted: 09-03-2012 23:25
by BeyondReaper
Hungary is surprised at Prussia's concern. "Yes, I am fine." she answers him with a smirk. "You know me! I'm a tough guy."
She sat down on the grass next to him, crossing her legs.