Unexpected Visitor [Belgium & Romano]

Roleplays without Relationships or actually love.
Posts: 1000
Joined: 14-06-2011 22:00

Post by Silvermoonwings » 26-06-2011 00:17

She giggle at that. "I'll take that as you don't really want to talk about it right now, and that you really like my cake. I'm glad for that! If I remember correctly, you don't have much of a sweet-tooth! A compliment from you for any subject is rare, but for sweets it's almost a miracle!" she said, smiling. "Just talk to me whenever you need to. You can find I'm a very good listener. she nodded "Putting that aside for now, is there anything you would like to do? I have books if you want to catch up on your reading?" she asked, kindly dropping the subject. She did that when she wasn't sure if they wanted to talk about their problems or not. Best always to go with the not so it didn't feel like she was prying into their lives when she didn't have the right.
~I~ Just wasted~~ 10 seconds of your life~~
And then I took an arrow to the knee... :I
Main RP: India(Girl), Nepal(Boy), Indus Valley(Girl)(India's Mom)

Minor RP: Belgium, Switzerland, Fem!Russia, Chibi!Romano, Sweden(Fem and norm), Denmark, Finland, 2p!England
Other: Ask me, and I'll say whether I can rp as them or not.

Pasta eating beginner
Pasta eating beginner
Posts: 66
Joined: 15-06-2011 23:51

Post by iiAnarchyDuck » 04-07-2011 09:13

Romano felt his face heat up and he averted his gaze, scowling at the floor. He felt like, for a moment, he had let his guard down. Than again this was Belgium, someone whom he considered a sister. Why couldn't he let his guard down and just relax in front of her? After all, she had seen him at his best and his worst. Forcing his head up, he turned the scowl up into a smirk. "Of course you should take that as a compliment." He took another bite of cake and nodded. He knew that. When he was growing up, and Spain wasn't around, he usually ended up somewhere near Belgium. She didn't just brush him off, like the other nations did. For that, he was grateful.

"Putting that aside, for now, is there anything you would like to do? I have books if you want to catch up on your reading?"

Romano frowned and shook his head. "I didn't drive for hours just to read, dammit." He stated then took the last bite of the cake. Gathering his other plate, he stood up and headed into the kitchen. "And I don't know what to do. I didn't exactly think of that when I was on the way over."

The thought came to him again, that he might be bothering Belgium. Even if she already said he wasn't, he couldn't help thinking that he might actually be. For all he knew, this could have been her first day off in weeks, months! If he had to go, he could always go back home to Italy. SOUTH Italy, away from that dumbass Veneziano.

He set the dishes in the sink, paused for a split second before settling on washing them. He couldn't be a horrible guest, after all. "U-Uhm... How is your brother?" He said as he washed the plates.
Main RP character :: Romano
Minor RP characters :: Prussia, Italy, Canada
OC's :: Brazil (f), Native America (f), Texas (m)
Willing to try out :: Finland, Sealand, Lithuania, Seborga

Posts: 1000
Joined: 14-06-2011 22:00

Post by Silvermoonwings » 04-07-2011 14:56

She walked over to where he was washing the dishes and smacked him lightly on the head. "Now Romano, don't be rude. You know I don't like it when your being rude and cussing everywhere when it's not needed." she told him gently but firmly. "And if your talking about Netherlands and not Luxembourg, I suppose he is doing all right, but I haven't talked to him much. He can be a bit of a pain to deal with, but," she glanced slyly at him, smiling mischeiviously before finishing with, "You know how annoying brothers can be."
~I~ Just wasted~~ 10 seconds of your life~~
And then I took an arrow to the knee... :I
Main RP: India(Girl), Nepal(Boy), Indus Valley(Girl)(India's Mom)

Minor RP: Belgium, Switzerland, Fem!Russia, Chibi!Romano, Sweden(Fem and norm), Denmark, Finland, 2p!England
Other: Ask me, and I'll say whether I can rp as them or not.

Pasta eating beginner
Pasta eating beginner
Posts: 66
Joined: 15-06-2011 23:51

Post by iiAnarchyDuck » 05-07-2011 00:22

Romano felt his cheeks and ears grow warm when Belgium lightly scolded him. He pouted, suddenly feeling like a kid again. It reminded him that he would have to watch his mouth. It was rude to curse in front of a lady anyway.

A small smile took over the pout and he chuckled, "Yeah, I know. I think they do it on purpose." He turned the faucet off and set the dishes in the dish drainer to dry. "They're all as-" Romano immediately stopped himself. 'Shit! Don't curse! No in front of her!' He thought frantically, now thinking of a way to recover. "A-As annoying as a toothache. Or a stupid potato eater."

It wasn't that great of a cover but it wasn't very often he made an effort to censor himself.

"Speaking of, Veneziano has developed an irritating habit of inviting that German bastard over every other night. He's invading our house - again! If I find one more potato or package of wurst, I'm going to kill him." He stated with a frown. Turned out just the mere mention of potato's had sent him off into a short rant.
Main RP character :: Romano
Minor RP characters :: Prussia, Italy, Canada
OC's :: Brazil (f), Native America (f), Texas (m)
Willing to try out :: Finland, Sealand, Lithuania, Seborga

Posts: 1000
Joined: 14-06-2011 22:00

Post by Silvermoonwings » 05-07-2011 02:04

She smiled at the very obvious cover up. At least he was trying. She looked at Romano curiously, and asked "Romano, why do you not like Germany all that much?"
~I~ Just wasted~~ 10 seconds of your life~~
And then I took an arrow to the knee... :I
Main RP: India(Girl), Nepal(Boy), Indus Valley(Girl)(India's Mom)

Minor RP: Belgium, Switzerland, Fem!Russia, Chibi!Romano, Sweden(Fem and norm), Denmark, Finland, 2p!England
Other: Ask me, and I'll say whether I can rp as them or not.

Pasta eating beginner
Pasta eating beginner
Posts: 66
Joined: 15-06-2011 23:51

Post by iiAnarchyDuck » 05-07-2011 02:37

At the very mention of Germany, Romano's infamous scowl returned. "Because he's a bastard, that's why!" He stated as he leaned back against the counter. Just thinking of that muscle head made his blood boil. "Che, I don't know how you can stand being neighbors with him. Him or that French pervert."
Main RP character :: Romano
Minor RP characters :: Prussia, Italy, Canada
OC's :: Brazil (f), Native America (f), Texas (m)
Willing to try out :: Finland, Sealand, Lithuania, Seborga

Posts: 1000
Joined: 14-06-2011 22:00

Post by Silvermoonwings » 05-07-2011 03:40

"That is not an answer, Romano. I'll leave it with that though right now." she said quietly, frowning in the slightest bit. "Anyways, I was reading so do what you want for now. And you can stay as long as you like." she said as she patted him gently on the head, walked back to the living room, sat down, and began to read again. She couldn't quite wrap her head around the young boy who was like a brother to her. She didn't get why he was always so grouchy.
~I~ Just wasted~~ 10 seconds of your life~~
And then I took an arrow to the knee... :I
Main RP: India(Girl), Nepal(Boy), Indus Valley(Girl)(India's Mom)

Minor RP: Belgium, Switzerland, Fem!Russia, Chibi!Romano, Sweden(Fem and norm), Denmark, Finland, 2p!England
Other: Ask me, and I'll say whether I can rp as them or not.

Pasta eating beginner
Pasta eating beginner
Posts: 66
Joined: 15-06-2011 23:51

Post by iiAnarchyDuck » 05-07-2011 04:26

Romano watched as Belgium went back into the living room. The silence that followed felt like pressure that threatened to close in around him. Needless to say, he didn't like it. 'What the hell is wrong with me?' He thought with a frown. There was once a time he could talk to Belgium about anything. Now all he could do was act like a jerk.

He walked to the edge of the living room then stopped, deciding to linger there. "I'm sorry Bella." He fidgeted with one of the buttons on his shirt as he spoke. "Today has... well it hasn't been very good. And I don't want to go back to Spain or Italy." He paused then added, "I thought we could catch up and maybe talk like we used to, like when we used to live together with Spain."
Main RP character :: Romano
Minor RP characters :: Prussia, Italy, Canada
OC's :: Brazil (f), Native America (f), Texas (m)
Willing to try out :: Finland, Sealand, Lithuania, Seborga

Posts: 1000
Joined: 14-06-2011 22:00

Post by Silvermoonwings » 05-07-2011 15:06

She sighed and when she stood up she was smiling gently again. She ruffled his hair slightly and said, "It's all right Romano. I can understand. Is there something in paticular you wanted to talk about in paticular, or just catch up?" she finished, looking him in the eye, still smiling gently.
~I~ Just wasted~~ 10 seconds of your life~~
And then I took an arrow to the knee... :I
Main RP: India(Girl), Nepal(Boy), Indus Valley(Girl)(India's Mom)

Minor RP: Belgium, Switzerland, Fem!Russia, Chibi!Romano, Sweden(Fem and norm), Denmark, Finland, 2p!England
Other: Ask me, and I'll say whether I can rp as them or not.

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